Why We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Define Marriage

Why We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Define Marriage

I am a co-sponsor of House Joint Resolution 56, proposing an amendment to the United States Constitution relating to marriage. The president supports this constitutional amendment protecting marriage in America.

The resolution would propose a constitutional amendment that declares that marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. It prohibits the Constitution or any State constitution, or State or Federal law from being construed to require that marital status or its legal incidents be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ordering the legislature to make laws allowing for same-sex marriages and San Francisco's mayor authorizing same-sex marriage licenses in direct violation of California state law, have made a constitutional amendment the only way to solve the nation's current dilemma.

My position is based on my belief in democracy. Webster's defines democracy as government by the people, especially rule of the majority. The current turn of events that is creating same-sex marriages is an assault on democracy. When four un-elected judges, appointed to life terms, in Massachusetts, make a decision on behalf of all the people of that state and for this country, it is an assault on democracy.

The consequences of a newly elected mayor's defiance of California state law represents an assault on democracy; the majority of people in a preponderance of cities and states may be forced to accept the will of one mayor or one small state with views out of touch with Ohioans, or mainstream Americans, for that matter. The only sure remedy is to amend the Constitution, the supreme law of our land.

The evidence demonstrates that the majority of people in this country do not wish to change the definition of marriage to include same sex unions. Public opinion polls taken year after year steadily show that approximately 60% of the population does not believe in same-sex marriage. Ultimately, laws should reflect our society's morals and values.

The final measure of America's values and wishes are reflected in the Constitution. Amending the Constitution is purposefully an extraordinarily difficult task. The Constitution has been amended only 27 times since it was drafted in 1787. Changing the Constitution only happens when a true majority of people strongly believes in something, and is willing to rally and put forth the energy to amend a great document that is inherently resistant to change.

The House Joint Resolution proposing a constitutional amendment, which I am a co-sponsor, will permit the people, not a handful of judges, a newly elected mayor or a small state out of touch with mainstream American values to decide what is the definition of marriage. On a subject of this importance, I believe the people deserve the final word.
